Mikrobiol. Z. 2022; 84(2):40-46.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj84.02.040

Isolation and Diagnosis of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
in Meat and Butcher Tool Surfaces in Baghdad

H.K. Yakob1, L.R. Hamad2, M.B. Farhan3

1College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Anbar
Ramadi, Iraq

2College of Applied Science, University of Fallujah
Fallujah, Iraq

3Education College for Women, University оf Anbar
Ramadi, Iraq

Due to the medical and epidemiological importance of the spread of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, this study was conducted for the purpose of isolating and diagnosing these bacteria from local sheep meat and butcher's tools in Baghdad. Methods. 200 samples were collected. Mannitol salt agar and Staph.110 medium were used to isolate the bacteria. The isolates were identified using standard cultivation methods, biochemical tests, the GP24 diagnostic system, and an integrated Vitek 2 device. The isolates were tested for sensitivity to methicillin by the disk diff usion method. DNA was extracted and the mecA gene was detected in the isolates that showed methicillin resistance by polymerase chain reaction. Results. S. aureus was diagnosed in 83 (41.5%) of the samples. Of them, 35 (42.2%) were methicillin-resistant. Out of these, 24 (68.6%) were found to have the mecA gene. Conclusions. Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus strains were detected with a high prevalence due to the underdeveloped reality of slaughter places.

Keywords: MRSA, mecA gene, sheep meat, Iraq.

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