Mikrobiol. Z. 2020; 82(4):63-70. Ukrainian.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj82.04.063
Microscopic Fungi in the Air of Libraries of Scientific Institutions of Kyiv
A.I. Chuenko1, Yu.B. Pysmenna1, Ya.I. Savchuk1,2, L.P. Zatoka2,
L.M. Kuyava2, N.O. Latina3
1Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology, NAS of Ukraine
154 Akad. Zabolotny Str., Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine
2Vernadsky National Library, NAS of Ukraine
3 Goloseevsky Ave., Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine
3Kryvyi Rih City Hospital No.7 of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council
1A Marshak Str., Kryvyi Rih, 50089, Ukraine
Aim. To identify the features of the species composition of air microscopic fungi in library facilities of Kyiv. Methods. Microscopic fungi were isolated from the air by the aspiration method. The fungi were identified using the method of light microscopy according to the features of conidiogenesis and cultural-morphological characters. The frequency of occurrence was calculated. Results. The air in library facilities of Kyiv was monitored for 4 years (2016–2019); 152 air samples were taken, 80 species of microscopic fungi belonging to 25 genera of Zygomycota and Ascomycota were isolated and identified. Among the selected cultures, the greatest species diversity was found in the genera Penicillium (9–13 species), Aspergillus (2–8 species) and Cladosporium (3–7 species). A number of rare species of Arthrobotrys superba var. irregularis Matr., Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary & Löwenthal) G. Arnaud, Chrysonilia sitophila (Mont.) Arx (Neurospora sitophila Shear & B.O. Dodge), Dendryphium cladosporioides E. & E., Exophiala moniliae de Hoogct, Hormiscum pun Höhnel, Mortierella isabellina Oudem. (Umbelopsis isabellina (Oudem.) W. Gams) and others were identified. The predominant number of species by frequency of their occurrence was classified as accidental. Conclusions. The species composition of air microscopic fungi in library rooms can be represented in two groups. Typical species are assigned to the first group, often, or dominant species – A. tenuissima, C. cladosporioides, C. herbarum, and C. sphaerospermum. The second group consists of all other species whose presence in the air is accidental. It was shown that the number of microscopic fungi in the air of library rooms was largely dependent on the season. The number of colony forming units in all the studied rooms did not exceed the norm of 500 CFU/m3 and ranged from 23±2 to 76±6 in the winter, and from 167±12 to 256±23 in the summer. Species especially harmful to human health like A. flavus, A. fumigatus and S. chartarum were rare and were classified as accidental species. In general, the mycological condition of the air in the evaluated rooms should be considered satisfactory.
Keywords: air contamination, micromycetes, library rooms, printed information sources.
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