Mikrobiol. Z. 2018; 80(3):66-76.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj80.03.066

Ability of Microscopic Fungi, Recommended for the Estimation
of Funginertness of Technical Materials, to form Hydrolases

Chuienko А.І., Pysmenna Yu.B.

Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology, NAS of Ukraine
154 Akad. Zabolotny Str., Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine

Aim. To estimate an activity of hydrolases of test cultures of microscopic fungi that is applied for tests from funginertness of technical wares and materials. Methods. Enzymatic activities (of complexes of cellulases, amylases, lipases and proteases) determined in accordance with the methods, based on reactions between dye, that bring into medium or on a colony and the product of curriculum of substrate and expected enzymatic index. Results. It has been edused that all investigational isolates were characterized by the presence at least of one enzymatic activity (cellulase, amylase, lipase or protease). Conclusions. It has been established that enzymatic activities of isolates, except for C. globosum of F-16714, did not depend on a their expiration and source of selection date. It has been educed that A. versicolor F-41469 had the highest values of cellulase and amylase activity, A. pullulans F-159 and C. cladosporioides F-41230 – cellulase and lipase, P. aurantiogriseum F-1644, P. chrysogenum F-16719 and P. funiculosum – amylase and lipase, H. resinae F-16724, P. variotii F-16724 – amylase, C. sphaerosphermum F-41232, F-2442 and P. ochrochloron F-16715 – lipase. It has been ascertained that swingeing majority of strains isolated from gypsum plasterboard are potential destructors of it basic components.

Keywords: funginertness, gypsum plasterboard, hydrolases, enzymatic index, biodestruction.

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