Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(5):91-104. Ukrainian.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.05.091
Features of Formation the Spatial-Functional Structure of Microbial Biome of Soil and
its Activity at the Transformation of Plant Residues
Patyka M.V.1, Kolodiazhnyi O.Yu.1, Ibatullin І.І.1, Patyka T.I.1, Borko Yu.P.2
1National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
13 Heroyiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine
2Institute of Agriculture, NAAS of Ukraine
2-B Mashynobudivnikyv Str., Chabany, Kyiv region, 08162, Ukraine
Aim. Complex assessment of infuence on the formation of spatial and functional structure of soil microbial communities ways of making the straw cereals crops and study “core” prokaryotes metagenome, that involved in the transformation of plant residues in soil. Methods. The number of microorganisms in the soil profle was determined by seeding of soil suspensions on agar nutrient media. Analysis of metagenomic composition and phylotypical structure of prokaryotic complex was executed by T-RFLP method. Functional activity of microbial communities was determined behind the speed of emission of CO2 and residual content straw in the soil by fotation method. Phenological observation of plant growth and development was carried out behind methodics of State variety trials. Results. Impact of ways the straw making on features of microbial biome formation in the soil profle and its functional structure was studied. It was shown distribution of the number of microorganisms in soil profle by the results of fractal analysis. Metagenomic composition of prokaryotic complex that formed during the transformation of organic matter in the soil was analysed. They were determined biometric parameters of the barley plants growth in vegetative experiment that demonstrates the effectiveness of the plantmicrobial interactions formation on the background of mineral nutrition. Conclusions. Adding straw into the soil as organic fertilizer has a favourable effect on the formation of microbial community and enhancing its functional activity. Signifcant increase of phylotypical diversity of prokaryotes metagenome by adding straw to a depth of 0 – 5 cm occurred at the expense to members of phylum Proteobacteria. It testifes to their active participation in the transformation of organic matter. Positive infuence of the biopreparation Ekstrakon for accelerates the transformation of straw and improvement of the plant-microbial interactions formation was established.
Key words: microbial biome, metagenome of prokaryotes, spatial-functional structure, T-RFLP-analysis, biodiversity, trophic chains, activity of microbial communities, straw.
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