Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(3):106-114. Ukrainian.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.03.106
Free-Living Amoebas as a Representative of Bentonite Clay Prokaryotic-Eukaryotic Consortium
Shyrobokov V.P.1, Poniatovskyi V.A.1, Yuryshynets V.I.2, Chobotar A.P.1, Salamatin R.V.3
1National Bogomolets Medical University
34 Peremogy Av., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine
2Institute of Hydrobiology, NAS of Ukraine
12 Heroes of Stalingrad Av., Kyiv, 04210, Ukraine
3Medical University of Warsaw
5 Chalubinskiego Str., Warsaw, 02-004, Poland
Objective: Investigation of the diversity of prokaryotic-eukaryotic microconsortia in the clay. Methods: Classical microbiological and protozoological methods of isolation and accumulation of microorganisms were used in this investigation. Also there were used the microscopic methods to study the morphological features and osmo- and thermo-tolerant tests to evaluate the pathogenic potential of frst found «bentonite» amoebas. The modern molecular genetic methods (PCR, sequencing) were used to identify systematic position of isolated microorganisms. Results: The representatives of prokaryotic-eukaryotic consortia in bentonite clays have been isolated and characterized. A morphological and molecular-genetic typing of the isolated amoebas and “feeders” (bacteria which amoebas fed by) has been conducted. The «bentonite» amoebas have been recognized to belong to the genus of Acanthamoeba. The pathogenic potential of amoebas has been determined; their active interaction with opportunistic microorganisms has been shown as well. This model can be used to study the role of free-living amoebas in the spread and survival process of pathogens in the environment.
Key words: bentonite, amoeba, cultivation.
Full text (PDF, in Ukrainian)
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