2017, Volume 79, №1

doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.01


On His 80th Birthday. Valentyn Stepanovych Pidgorskyi

Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(1):2-8. Ukrainian.

Abstract | Full text (PDF, in Ukrainian)

Experimental Works 

Bacilli Lectins and Their Targets
Pidgorskyi V.S., Kovalenko E.O., Sashchuk O.V., Getman K.I.

Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(1):9-21.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.01.009

Abstract | Full text (PDF, in English)

Development Strategy for the New  Environmentally Friendly Multifunctional Bioformulations Based on Soil Streptomycetes
Iutynska G.O., Biliavska L.O., Kozyritska V.Ye.

Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(1):22-33.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.01.022

Abstract | Full text (PDF, in English)

The Relationship between Viruses and Plant Cells in Natural Ecosystems and Some Approaches to Their Regulation
Kovalenko O.G., Shcherbatenko I.S., Kyrychenko A.M., Vasylev V.N.

Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(1):34-45.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.01.034

Abstract | Full text (PDF, in English)

Endophytic Fungi of Sphagnum Bog Plants of Ukrainian Polissya
Kurchenko I.M.

Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(1):46-58.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.01.046

Abstract | Full text (PDF, in English)

The Role of Polyphosphatases in the Cell Wall and Cytoplasmic Membrane Response to the Action of Stress
Pidgorskyi V.S., Voychuk S.I., Gromozova E.N.

Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(1):59-65.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.01.059

Abstract | Full text (PDF, in English)

Imunobiotics are the Novel Biotech Drugs with Antibacterial and Immunomodulatory Properties
Lazarenko L.M., Babenko L.P., Bubnov R.V., Demchenko O.M., Zotsenko V.M., Boyko N.V., Spivak M.Ya.

Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(1):66-75.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.01.066

Abstract | Full text (PDF, in English)

Adaptation of Microfungi to Chronic Ionizing Radiation. New Facts and Hypotheses
Tugay T.I., Tugay A.V.

Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(1):76-86.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.01.076

Abstract | Full text (PDF, in English)

Biodiversity and Physiological Properties of Bacteria Forming Systems with Glycine max (L.) Merril
Iutynska G.O., Tytova L.V., Leonova N.O.

Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(1):87-99.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.01.087

Abstract | Full text (PDF, in English)

Autecology and Taxonomy of Bacteria Isolated from Extreme Environments
Tashyrev O., Romanovskaya V., Rokitko P., Tashyreva H., Prytula I., Suslova О., Govorukha V., Prekrasna Ie., Gladka G.

Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(1):100-113.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.01.100

Abstract | Full text (PDF, in English)

The Phenomenon of Phage Mediated Phage Induction in Erwinia “horticola” and the Origin of Bacteriophages 49 and 59
Tovkach F.I., Zlatohurska M.A.

Mikrobiol. Z. 2017; 79(1):114-126.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj79.01.114

Abstract | Full text (PDF, in English)