Mikrobiol. Z. 2016; 78(6):84-91.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj78.06.084
Fundamental Basis of Creation of Probiotic with Provitamin Activity Based on
Strains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IMV В-7513 and IMV B-7525
Avdeeva L.V., Kharkhota M.A., Nechypurenko O.О.
Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology, NAS of Ukraine
154 Akad. Zabolotny Str., Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine
Dysbiotic conditions prevail in both humans and animals. Intestinal dysbiosis is accompanied, in addition to the quantitative and qualitative changes of the microflora, by immunosuppression and metabolic disorders, such as avitaminosis А. Therefore, the search and study of microorganism strains, which may be used for correction of dysbiosis and allow to normalize the homeostasis of a macroorganism, are highly relevant today. In relation to that the use of carotene synthesizing strains of bacteria of Bacillus genus is very perspective. This would allow connecting in one preparation the properties of probiotics and ability to compensate the deficiency of vitamin А in a macroorganism.
The article presents the analysis of literature data along with the results of own research concerning carotene synthesizing activity of bacteria of Bacillus genus, the nature of their carotenoid pigments and their function in a macroorganism. It was determined that carotenoid pigments of B. amyloliquefaciens ІМВ В-7513 and ІМВ В-7525 strains were presented by a complex with lipids and carbohydrates, and belonged to C30-apocarotenoids, including apo-8'-phytofluene, apo-8'-ζ-carotene, apo-8'-neurosporene and apo-8'-β-carotene-3-ol. A possible way of carotene synthesis was proposed. The end product of its pathway synthesis probably is apo-8'-β-carotene-3-ol, which is able to be metabolized into vitamin A. Earlier it was shown that the investigated strains of bacteria are safe for warmblooded animals and exhibit probiotic and provitamin activity in vivo.
The obtained results provide a fundamental basis for creation of a probiotic preparation with provitamin activity based on carotene producing strains B. amyloliquefaciens IMV B-7513 and B-7525.
Key words: bacteria of the genus Bacillus, carotenoid pigments, probiotic features, provitamin activity.
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