Mikrobiol. Z. 2016; 78(4):90-101. Ukrainian.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj78.04.090
The Complex Estimate of the Rhizobium Nodulation Ability and the Features of Soybean Symbiotic
Systems Formation at the Microbial Compositions Seed Inoculation
Kyrychenko O.V.
Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
31/17 Vasylkivska Str., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine
The features of the soybean symbiotic systems formation and carry out the complex estimate of the rhizobium nodulation ability at the seed inoculation of the microbial compositions on the bases of nodule bacteria, azotobacter and phytolectins (soybean seeds lectin, wheat germ agglutinin) were studied in the green-house experiments with a soil cultures. It was shown, that complex inoculants accelerate the process of becoming infected of plants by rhizobia in the early stages of soybean development; contribute to the expansion of the spectrum of genetically determined ability of nodule bacteria in the formation of a certain number of nodules on the host plant during the growing season as well as the formation of more root nodules with more of their weight during the second half of the growing season of soybean and significant increase mass of the one nodule and also slow the root nodules aging process at the end of the growing season compared with a rhizobial monoinoculant. It was proposed to use a complex of criteria in the estimating of the rhizobia nodulation ability in the microbial compositions: “nodulation activity”, “nodulation range”, “the number of nodules on the plant”, “mass of nodules per plant”, “mass of one nodule”, which are indicative for different stages of the symbiosis formation.
Key words: soybean, symbiosis, microbial compositions, rhizobium, azotobacter, phytolectins, nodulation ability.
Full text (PDF, in Ukrainian)
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