Mikrobiol. Z. 2016; 78(3):88-98. Russian.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj78.03.088

Physiological and Biochemical Properties of Diazotrophs from a Root Zone
of Wheat Near Isogenic Lines by Vrn Genes

Samoilov A.M., Zhmurko V.V.

Karazin Kharkov National University
4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

Some of biochemical properties of diazotrophs isolated from a root zone of plants of such wheat isogenic lines as Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, Vrn-D1, and Mironovskaya 808 cultivar were studied in a three-year field experiment. The larger percentage of isolates (47 - 55 %) capable of nitrate reduction is typical for the root zone of plants of the lines with higher levels of nitrogen fixation - Vrn-D1 and Vrn-A1. Compared with the spring isolines the rhizosphere of plants of the winter cultivar has substantially higher percentage of diazotroph’ isolates with proteolytic and amylolytic activities - 44 % and 75 % respectively. However, the percentage of the isolates capable of producing IAA-like substances in the root zone of plants of the cultivar was less - 53 %. The percentage of isolates capable of producing indole, isolated from the rhizosphere of plants of Vrn-D1 and Vrn-A1 lines, was less (33 - 35 %) than the same indices of plants of the  Vrn-B1 isoline and winter cultivar. Obtained data concerning differences in the percentage of the isolates of diazotrophs with studied physiological and biochemical properties from the plant rhizosphere of isogenic by Vrn genes lines of wheat are supposed to be connected with the differences between the lines in root exudates rate and nitrogen fixation.

Key words: isogenic lines of Triticum aestivum L., diazotrophs, Vrn loci, associative nitrogen fixation, nitrate reductase activity, phosphate-solubilizing activity, amilolytic and proteolytic activities, IAA-like substances.

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