Mikrobiol. Z. 2016; 78(2):89-94. Russian.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj78.02.089
Plasmids of Salt-tolerant Rhizosphere Microorganisms
Murodova S.S., Davranov K.D.
Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan
4 Vuzgorodok Str., Tashkent, 100174, Uzbekistan
Five plasmid DNAs were detected in three of microorganisms, which formed microbial composition «Замин-М». One plasmid (23.1 kb) was found in Bacillus megaterium СКБ-310 cells and another one (55.0 kb) was found in cells of Pseudomonas stutzeri СКБ-308, but cells of Bacillus subtilis СКБ-309 contained 3 plasmids (48.5 kb, 30.0 kb and 13.3 kb). It was assumed that these plasmids may carry genes of resistance to adverse environmental conditions, including the high content (10 %) of ions Cl- and SO42-.
Key words: plasmid, molecular length of DNA molecule, electrophoretic division.
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