Mikrobiol. Z. 2016; 78(2):43-51. Russian.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj78.02.043

The Evaluation of Metagenome and Detection of Functionally Significant Polymorphisms
of Prokaryotes of Soil by Method of Pyrosequencingl

Patyka N.V., Kolodyazhnyi A.Yu., Ibatullin I.I.

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
13 Heroyiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine

It was evaluated the metagenome and functionally significant phylogenetic and taxonomic polymorphisms of prokaryotes of typical chernozem in agrocenoses of winter wheat by the method of pyrosequencing. Have been received 1708 operational taxonomic units and identified 335 taxons of prokaryotes. It was established, that the structure of prokaryotes metagenome of typical chernozem includes the representatives of the 2 Archaea and 22 Bacteria phylums, and absolutely dominants among them were Proteobacteria - 79.6 % and Actinobacteria - 12.9 %. The polymorphism of representation of prokaryotic taxons was observed at the level of families, and the dominants were Alcaligenaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, Solirubrobacteraceae, Gaiellaceae, Nitrososphaeraceae. It is shown phylogenetic links between the main representatives of prokaryotes’ metagenome of typical chernozem in agrocenoses of winter wheat. Thus, the use of pyrosequencing, in addition to estimation of structure and diversity, opens new perspectives for the study of functional component of prokaryotes’ metagenome of soil.

Key words: metagenome, prokaryotes, pyrosequencing, taxonomic structure, functionally significant polymorphisms, typical chernozem.

Full text (PDF, in Russian)

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