Mikrobiol. Z. 2015; 77(2):33-37. Ukrainian.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj77.02.033
Exhibition Pathogenicity Factors in Biofilm-forming and
Nobiofilm-forming Strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis
Sidashenko O.I., Voronkova O.S., Sirokvasha O.A., Vinnikov A.I.
Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University
72 Gagarin Av., Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
A comparative study of the manifestation of pathogenicity factors : hemolytic, lipase, letsytinase activity and ability to adhere in 20 film-forming and 17 non-film-forming strains of S. epidermidis. Studying pathogenicity factors of the film-forming strains it was found that complete hemolysis and lipase activity shown was by all the film-forming strains of S. epidermidis, letsytinase activity was observed in 80 %. Among the non-film-forming strains complete hemolysis and lipase activity were observed in 89 % and letsytinase - 71 %.
Researched non-film-forming and film-forming strains of S. epidermidis showed the ability to adhere to buccal epithelial cells of humans. Found that all the film-forming strains of S. epidermidis were hight level adgesion, the highest IAM was equal to 11.84. It was found that among non-film-forming strains of S. epidermidis were low-, medium- and hight level adgesion. IAM of non-film-forming strains of S. epidermidis is 3 times lower compared to the IAM of the film-forming strains of human epithelial cells and was 3.2.
Key words: biofilm, film-forming and non-film-formation strains, ability to adhere, buccal epithelial cells, hemolytic, lipase, letsytinase activity, S. epidermidis.
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