Mikrobiol. Z. 2015; 77(1):20-25. Ukrainian.
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/microbiolj77.01.020

Immunomodulating Properties of Synbiotic Compositions of Probiotic
Bacillus subtilis Strains and Lactitol or Lactulose

Avdeeva L.V., Lazarenko L.M., Кharhota M.A., Mokrozub V.V., Babenko L.P., Melnichenko Yu.A., Spivak M.Ya.

Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology, NAS of Ukraine
154 Akad. Zabolotny Str., Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine

The influence of synbiotic compositions of probiotic strains of bacilli and lactitol or lactulose on nonspecifi c immunity of macroorganism has been investigated. It is established that the synbiotic compositions of probiotic Bacillus subtilis UKM В-5139 and B. subtilis UKM В-5140 strains, lactitol or lactulosa on the model of experimental dysbacteriosis in mice had immunomodulating action. A synergistic effect of probiotic bacilli strains and lactitol or lactulose has been noted.

Key words: synbiotics, immunity, Bacillus subtilis, lactitol, lactulosa.

Full text (PDF, in Ukrainian)

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